SEREIN Project
"Modernization of postgraduate studies on security and resilence
for human and industry related domains"

Introduction to SEREIN

   The key goal of the project is to produce new generation of engineering and research staff capable of performing constructive development in Cyber Security assessment and ensuring.

Application domains to be covered by developed master/doctoral/in-service curriculum: Human {People; Homeland}; Business {Banking; Web & E-business; Telecommunications}; Safety Critical {Aviation; Space; NPP; Power Grid; Railway}.

To reach the main objective the international master programme and doctoral programme onCyber Security and Resilience for Ukrainian universities will be developed.

Project site

Target curriculum to be developed:

Master level:
  • CM-A. Challenges in Dependability and Security;
  • CM-B. System Security and Resilience;
  • CM-C. Human Factors Engineering;
  • CM-D. Risk Analysis of Security and Resilience ;
  • CM-E. Resilient PLD-Based Systems;
Doctoral level:
  • CP-A. Formal Methods of System Validation;
  • CP-B. Security of Evolvable Systems;
  • CP-C. Security Management Systems;
In-service training level:
  • CT-A. Modern Technologies of Security Assessment;
  • CT-B. Modern Technologies of Security and Resilience;
  • CT-C. Security Assurance Cases;

Specific objectives of the project:

  • To develop master programme on Cyber Security and Resilience with 5 courses CM-A..CM-E;
  • To develop doctoral programme on Cyber Security and Resilience with 3 courses CP-A..CP-C;
  • To develop in-service training programme on Cyber Security and Resilience with 3 modules CT-A..CT-C;
  • To establish a National Security Alliance (NSA) for training and consultancy in the area of Cyber Security Assessment and Management;
  • To introduce a comprehensive capacity building scheme for involved academic staff of 7 UA universities.

Establishment of the National Security Alliance (NSA) offices at the Ukrainian universities.

The aim of NSA is to integrate all available and produced curriculum, methodics and tools for providing training and consultancy services in the area of Cyber Security assessment and management for institutions and industry acting in described application domains. The structure of alliance comprises 7 offices to be incorporated at the involved department of each PC university. Each office will be specialized for the specific application domain and thus be responsible for networking and cooperating of R&D, academic and industrial partners acting in the respective domain.